
Sailing Reading Material

I hope to be taking some multi-day cruising adventures so I’ve been diving into books.

Plain Sailing
by Dallas Murphy

If you’ve already had your first sail in a dinghy this book has been great in going past “the basics” when it comes to sail trim and points of sail.

I really enjoyed Plain Sailing and it has already built some confidence for the next sail.

Complete Rigger’s Apprentice
by Darril Gibson

Complete Rigger’s Apprentice goes deep into running and standing rigging on boats. Not only does it show how to tie many kinds of knots it also explains their histories and uses.

The diagrams can be hard to follow so a visit to the Animated Knots by Grog helps clear everything up.

Nirvana will need new standing rigging sooner than later and this helped lay some base knowledge even if a lot of it was for out-of-date techniques.

Canvaswork & Sail Repair
by Don Casey

A useful reference when it comes to maintaining sails and other parts of the boat covered in canvas.

I already have a tear to repair in the aging mainsail and a custom dodger might be in my future.